Home Addis Zemen PressON Engineering Vacancy ( Fresh Graduate Jobs)

PressON Engineering Vacancy ( Fresh Graduate Jobs)


PressON Engineering invites qualified applicants for the various positions. PressON Engineering is invites job seekers for appointment.

We are PressON Engineering We are a forward-thinking multi-disciplinary engineering company that moves your complex challenges to innovative, workable solutions. We cut through the complexity of today’s crowded and confusing marketplace by making solutions easier, workable, and actionable for the client. We work on the design, manufacturing, supply, installation, and commissioning of engineering equipment, plant systems, services, trading, and turnkey projects.

The interested applicants can apply before the closing date of application. For more information please read the full article.

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The interested applicants can apply before the closing date of application. For more information please read the full article.

NB: Whenever you are looking for job in Ethiopia, just remember www.harmeejobs.com. We hope that harmeejobs.com will help you find your dream job quickly and easily.

Recently the has published an employment notification in Addis Zemen regarding the currently vacant post on various posts. Therefore, interested Ethiopia Govt job seekers must apply before the closing date.

Position 1: Junior Data Technician

Qualification: Degree/Diploma/Level 4 in Building Electrical Installation

Work Experience: No Experience

Other Requirements:

Good discipline, cooperation, commitment to work, eagerness to learn, loyalty calm, and ability to positive thinking

Quantity: 12

Position 2: Site Engineer

Qualification: BSc in Electrical Engineering or related fields

Work Experience: No Experience

Other Requirements:

Good discipline, cooperation, commitment to work, eagerness to learn, loyalty calm, and ability to positive thinking

Quantity: 3 (Three)

Salary: As per the company salary scale but Negotiable

Place of work: Addis Ababa

How to Apply:

Interested applicants who fulfill the minimum requirements can bring their non-returnable application with CV and copies of relevant documents from Monday June 27 up to Saturday, July 02, 2022 in person or through this email info@presson.et

Headquarters: Adiss Ababa, Bole Medhniyalem, behind Selam City Mall

Show Room: Addis Ababa, next to Bambis urael Area Afewerk Bldg.

Phone: +251(116)180860 +251(116)2002 +251(9)11232306 Fax:+251(116)180860


+251(118)212142 +251(9)11514232

Email: pressonet@gmail.com