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HomeAddis ZemenSt. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College call for Written Exam

St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College call for Written Exam

About St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College

St Paul’s Millennium Medical College, as it is known today, was established through a decree of the Council of Ministers in 2010, although the medical school opened in 2007 and the hospital was established in 1968 by the late Emperor Haile Selassie. It is governed by a board under the Federal Ministry of Health.

The College initiated Ethiopia’s first integrated modular and hybrid problem-based curriculum for its undergraduate medical education, and is currently expanding to postgraduate programs and diversifying its undergraduate program offerings. St Paul’s is in the process of building its capacity quickly in a short period of time, growing from 3 to 250 faculty members in the last six years, and expanding teaching facilities.

The college has more than 2800 clinical, academic and administrative and support staffs that provide medical specialty services to patients who are referred from all over the country, teaching medicine and nursing students and doing basic and applied researches. While the inpatient capacity is more than 700 beds, The College sees an average of 1200 emergency and outpatient clients daily.

Written Examination Instructions

Dear Examinee,

We are pleased that you have applied for the upcoming exam. Here are few guidelines you need to adhere to during answering.

1. ID and Booklet Code:

  • While Using the provided application number, leave all the first 0 and use the other 4-digit Use exam code during the test.
  • Shade the circle next to your application number and code correctly; ensuring the depth of shading is consistent with the circle’s outline.

2. Answer Shading:

  • When marking your responses, shade inside the circles fully.
  • Ensure that the depth of shading is not lighter than the circle itself.

3: Correcting Responses:

  • Make your choices carefully before shading.
  •  If you need to correct a response, completely erase the original marking. Partially erased marks may be counted as two responses during scoring.

4. Answer Sheet Care:

  • Use a pencil, not a pen, for shading.
  • Avoid folding the answer sheet; keep it clean and clear.

To all NMEI applicant Elligble for Written Exam

Written exam date: May 12, 2024 (Ginbot 4, 2016EC)

Venue: Medhanialem Secondary School.

Time: 8:30 AM (2:30 local time)

Check your namand room with the link below

Link For :  your name 

Link For:  room

See the Written Examination Instructions with the link below


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